Udo Rutschmann
Born in 1967, in Augsburg, Germany
Resides and works in Augsburg, Germany and Abu Dhabi, VAE
Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Bonn, Germany
London Metropolitan University, London, UK
Selected solo exhibitions:
2024 | La Sorella, Gallery Basilica, Augsburg, Germany
2023 | "Die Beobachterin", Moritzkirche, Augsburg, Germany
2019 | Material, Struktur, Licht, Museum Oberschoenenfeld, Germany
2018 | Friedberg | Terrain Vague, Gallery Claudia Weil, Friedberg, Germany
2016 | Meta White, Gallery Beate Berndt, Augsburg, Germany
2015 | Lightinstallation | Night of Light, Galerie Noah, Augsburg , Germany
2014 | Exhibition at Deutschen Konsulat, Dubai, UAE
2013 | Solo Exhibition | Galerie Wolkonsky, Munich, Germany
2012 | A Study in Moments of Motion| The Mojo Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2011 | Nuno, Textil museum Augsburg, Germany
Selected group exhibitions:
2021 | Terrain Vague, Gallery Claudia Weil, Augsburg, Germany
2017 | Rome Art Week Rome | Gallery Spazio matEr Rome, Rome, Italy
2017 | Gallery Beate Berndt, Augsburg, Germany
2014 | Take Two, Gallery Ecke, Augsburg, Germany
2013 | Galerie Wolkonsky, Munich, Germany
2013 | The Mojo Gallery, with Safa Erruas, morocco, Dubai , VAE
Art fairs:
2014 | Art Vilnius 14,Vilnius, Lithuania, Gallery Wolkonsky , Munich
2013 | Summa" Art fair, Madrid, Spain , Gallery Wolkonsky , Munich
2017 | Rome , 1. Prize Malamegi Art Contest | Category: Sculptur, Rome, Italy
2018 | Aestetica Art Prize, York UK , longlisted
2018 | Winner London International Creative Competition (Sculpture), London, UK
2017 | its Liquid international art contest, Honourable Mention, Venice, Italy
2008 | 1. Prize "Emballissimo", with Christa Hadac, Vienna, Austria
Professional contributions
2024 | Guest Critic at PHD Presentations, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2024| Invited art research Adviser and Lecturer, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, VAE
2014 | Invited art lecturer by ADMAF, Abu Dhabi Arts and Music Foundation, , VAE
2012 | Invited guest lecturer by DAAD (German Accademic Exchange Service). Sharjah, VAE
2014 | Aufnahme Atelierfoerderprogramm , Bayrisches Staatsministerium, Munich, Germany
Selected press:
Christopher Lord, The National, Dubai, VAE
Süddeutsche Zeitung
A3 Kulturjournal, Jürgen Kannler,
Augsburger Allgemeine, Gerlinde Knoller,
Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, Alois Knoller,
Copyright © 2025 Udo Rutschmann – Alle Rechte vorbehalten.